Back to School Dental Tips

There’s no better time to bring your child in for one of their twice-yearly cleaning and exam appointments with their dentist in Yorktown IN than at the beginning of the school year! Sending them off to school with a bright, clean smile and all dental issues addressed can be a huge boost of self-esteem in what can be a stressful time, indeed. We do know that despite the advantages of getting the appointment out of the way now, not all children will see it that way, and may be hesitant about coming in. With that in mind, below we have compiled some tips to help make your child’s visit the best it can be!


-Pay attention to the time you schedule an appointment for. For older children, they may be hesitant about coming if it is after a long day of school, sports, and other activities. For younger children, if the visit is scheduled during their usual nap time, they may not be in the best mood either. Try to book your next visit when leaving our office during your current one- this should allow you to get a preferential pick on almost any slot six months away.


-If you have an older child, suggest that they go first to the visit. This can show the little ones “how it is done” and help in reducing anxiety.


-If you, the parent, suffer from anxiety- please try to remain as calm as you can when visiting. Children can often sense stress on a parent and then demonstrate it themselves. Encourage your child to ask questions and to become more acquainted with us to reduce future anxiety or fear.


-Lastly, we don’t recommend your child has any substantial meal or drink immediately after their cleaning. Make sure they have a light snack beforehand, nothing heavy so that they avoid gagging, and they brush before coming into office!


For more information on how to make your child’s next visit their best yet, call your dentist in Yorktown IN at Muncie Dental Care today at (765) 282-5655.

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